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Here we offer sermons in MP3 format, arranged chronologically, which you may use for your own purposes. Normally (depending on your operating system), if you left mouse click on the link the application will launch either in your browser or in your default media player and you will hear the lesson play. If you want to save the lesson to your hard drive, right mouse click on the link, choose "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As...", and select a place on your drive. Please feel free to copy these materials for your own private use or use in Bible teaching. You are encouraged to abide by the US Copyright laws and not use these materials for commercial and/or profit making activities. In addition, you are asked to remember to acknowledge the author and/or source of the material when you duplicate or otherwise use it.

If you would like a CD copy of any of these lessons please send us an e-mail or a "snail mail" with your request and we will get it to you as soon as possible. There is no charge for this.

This page contains sermons presented this year.

(These files may require you to wait a minute or two while they download.)

2025 Sermon Archive

This page updated: 2/6/2024
Sermon TopicDownload Format

Reading: Genesis, Chapters 34-41
(Richard Lidh - 2/2/25 pm)

MP3 (13.5MB)

Understanding Our Sin
(Richard Lidh - 2/2/25 am)

MP3 (15.4MB)

Reading: Mark, Chapters 1-8
(Randy Childs - 1/26/25 pm)

MP3 (14.4MB)

The Lord's Church In The 21st Century
(Randy Childs - 1/26/25 am)

MP3 (30.6MB)

Reading: Genesis, Chapters 26-33
(Richard Lidh - 1/19/25 pm)

MP3 (15.7MB)

Jesus' Lesson Of Contrasts
(Richard Lidh - 1/19/25 am)

MP3 (14.5MB)

Reading: Matthew, Chapters 22-28
(Randy Childs - 1/12/25 pm)

MP3 (15.9MB)

Victory In Jesus
(Randy Childs - 1/12/25 am)

MP3 (15.9MB)

Reading: Genesis, Chapters 18-25
(Richard Lidh - 1/5/25 pm)

MP3 (15.3MB)

There’s A Great Day Coming
(Richard Lidh - 1/5/25 am)

MP3 (14.3MB)

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